Syncing with Ultralist Pro

Set up the CLI to sync seamlessly with Ultralist Pro.

Enabling Ultralist Pro will enable seamless sync with This allows you to:

  • Easily keep CLI lists in sync across multiple computers.
  • Manage your list with our slick web app.
  • Use the Ultralist mobile apps.
  • Use the Slack integration. Add + manage tasks directly from Slack.
  • Use our robust API to enable more complex workflows.

Authorizing the CLI with Ultralist pro

If you don’t already have an account, run ultralist auth to create one, and tell ultralist to sync.

➜ ultralist auth
Head to your browser to complete authorization steps.
Listening for response...
Authorization successful! Next, run `ultralist init` to sync a list.

Note that if you create an account directly on, you’ll still need to run ultralist auth to register your CLI with Ultralist Pro.

Upon signing up (or logging in) to, ultralist will create a directory - ~/.config/ultralist. In that directory, it stores 2 files:

  • creds.json - A token that ultralist will use to authenticate you
  • synced_lists.json - Stores an array of synced task lists and their locations

If you already have an account, you’ll still need to enable synchronization by running ultralist auth before you can synchronize lists.

You can check the status of your authorization by running ultralist auth check.

➜ ultralist auth check
Hello Bob! You are successfully authenticated.

Enabling list synchronization

There are a couple of ways to sync a list, depending if that list already exists or not.

Syncing a list that already exists locally, but not on

  1. Ensure you’re authenticated via ultralist auth check.
  2. Run ultralist sync --setup. It will ask you if you’d like to sync this list, or import an existing list from
  3. Presto, this list is now set up to sync with

Syncing a list that exists on, but not locally

  1. Ensure you’re authenticated via ultralist auth check.
  2. In a directory of your choosing, run ultralist sync --setup. It will ask you if you’d like to sync this list, or import an existing list from
  3. Choose “Pull a list from, replacing the list that’s here”, and then choose the remote list you’d like to sync.
  4. Presto, this list is now set up to sync with

Staying in sync

Keeping your lists in sync with is very straightforward.

Pulling remote changes locally

Local lists managed by the CLI don’t have a native way of knowing if a list has changed remotely on

Run ultralist sync to synchronize your local list with You can also set up a cron job to sync your list, if you want to keep it always up-to-date.

Pushing local changes to

Normally this does not need to occur. Whenever you make changes to your local list, a sync to will automatically occur in the background, as a background process. In the case where you don’t have internet access, changes to your local list will be stored in a buffer.

Running ultralist sync is a bi-directional sync, so changes are both pulled and pushed, and reconciliation logic happens on the backend.